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Articles by Tobias Pentek

Master Data Management meets AI: work smarter, not harder

Let's be honest, master data management (MDM) often feels like a Sisyphean task. Wrangling inconsistent data, battling data decay, and striving for a single source of truth... It's a relentless challenge. But what if there was a way to not just ease the burden but to unlock unprecedented levels of efficiency, insight, and innovation? 

Benefits of MDM automation: value beyond numbers

In the digital age, data is often referred to as gold - a precious asset that holds immense value for businesses. But like gold, data must be extracted and…

Data Mesh and the case of Data Sharing

Fueled by the increasing demand for distributed, scalable, and agile data platforms that can enable

Stronger together: Sharing knowledge for better data

While trend reports can assist with priority setting, and frameworks can assist with activity structuring, successfully implementing data strategies and…

Unleashing the power of external data - smartly and efficiently

After reading this article, you will better understand the benefits of using external data sources for your organization's data management, comprehend…

Boost your business with smart data strategy

Data has infinite potential if it‘s used and processed as a value generating asset. But how to make sure your data stays consistent when it is entered in many…